
Get access to some of the latest market research and technology trends.

  • RxEnsurance 2014 [pdf]
  • Startup Analytics and Reporting 2013 [pdf]
  • Social Media Marketing 2012 [pdf]
  • Trends in Television 2011 [pdf]
  • Angels in Cloud 2010 [pdf]


We have worked with the following companies for various projects.


+fithub makes finding relevant, affordable, on demand fitness sessions easy. It's a P2P marketplace where people make use of readily available resources efficiently where traditional industries have not be able to.


Smoocer is an application that makes online learning social. You can Find people taking the same online course as you and motivate each other to complete the course.


Magicco is an application that allows creation of comics (Magicco). A Magicco will provide users a fun filled way to revise and refer to course content. The comics can be bought using an easy and popular medium of Facebook credits.


Aggrin provides real time user-generated reviews to customers that are aggregated directly from social media. Statistics show that there are about 40 Million users of review sites online currently. Aggrin’s unique way of review generation allows marketers to target customers better by providing them contextual information on those who matter and hold the power to influence their product segment. The innovation is in using aggregation of user generated content to spot influential customers and then targeting them directly saving costs and driving up revenues.